
Project Participants: The complete stakeholders in a project, including agents who participate in one, and entities that are affected by the project or have oversight over it.

Project Contributors: A subset of Project Participants, any entity, including companies or individuals who contribute in any manner to a project.

Project Value Creators: A subset of Project Contributors who specifically add value that is tracked through the 2 Blockchains associated with the Project.

Project Promoter: The Project sponsor or sponsors who control the Public Key and Ledger Node corresponding to the Project itself. They also have a private and public key associated with their identity.

Baseline Network: Also: Performance Measurement Baseline, Baseline Blockchain, Baseline. The Project Network that stores the planned execution of the Project or Program.

Realized Network: Also: Actual Network, The Project Network that stores the actual execution of the Project or Program.

Project Network: The entire resources pertaining to the Project enabled by the platform including the Baseline Network and the Actual Network.

Milestone 1: Only increments the value created at the milestone by means of the token associated with value, Token 2.

Milestone 2: the second can increment the value created in the same manner as Milestone 1, but also exchange value created (Token 2) for Project funds (Token 1)

Token 1 (PayToken): Project funds represented in units of these. Used by the Project to trade for value created by Project value creators at defined milestones. Can be related to external source of value.

Token 2 (ValToken): Project value creation is represented in units of these. Used by the Project Value Creators to trade for payment in the form of Value 1 at defined milestones.

Network Node: A node on the Baseline or the Actual Project Networks. There is a one to one correspondence between a node on the Baseline Network with that on the Actual Project Network.

Ledger Node: A node corresponding to a project participant for a Project on the Platform that participates in or needs to be informed of the transactions.

Differences from the existing implementations of Blockchain Technology

  1. Temporary nature of the Business Network for the realization of the Program/Project.
  2. Blockchains belonging to a project inherently have a transitory phase where a change to their state can take place including growth and mutation, due to the temporary nature of project undertakings.
  3. Blocks can have more than one successor or more than one predecessor.
  4. 2 distributed ledgers.
  5. Plan Schedule (Ledger) for activity decomposition and workflows over time and is not created by the Blockchain.
  6. Actual Schedule (Ledger) which is created by the Blockchain grows into the project realizables over the project execution timeline.
  7. Value on the Actual Schedule accrues over time. Value is not only exchanged; it is created
  8. Project Blockchains (2 on each) have a finite life.
  9. They are archived on Platform upon completion of each project for learning and work record for PKI.
  10. Hash of each Blockchain can be signed by Platform CA and is stored for record immutability on the Platform.
  11. 2 stores of value:
    • Project funds which are equivalent to cash, but are tradable, and are automatically exchanged for created project value via smart contracts at predefined planned schedule milestones
    • Project value which is created as the project progresses through the schedule.
  12. Because of their temporal nature, completed and classified Actual schedules created by Blockchain technology provide a rich dataset for Machine Learning applications.